gangway #17 - September 2000

English Dear Reader,

Rest assured: even though this issue coincides with the Sydney Olympic Games, we promise to ignore them completely. This magazine's pieces rather address human relationships than sports reporting.

Sydney, 1 September 2000

Deutsch Liebe(r) Leser(in),

Die Olympischen Spiele stehen vor der (Haus)tür und wir sind wohl nicht die einzigen, die diesen Event völlig ignorieren. Diese Ausgabe beschäftigt sich vielmehr mit zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen.

Sydney, 1. September 2000


gangway #17

Counter: 5038
gangan 2000

English English/englisch  Deutsch German/deutsch  Bilingual Bilingual/zweisprachig

Danny Spigone  On 28 June we received this poem from Danny, a Bondi Beach (Sydney) author. We dedicated it to BB. Enlightenment English

Wolfgang Hermann  Wolfgang, geb. 1961 in Bregenz, ist ein vorarlberger Autor, den wir bereits 1987 und 1988 in unserem gangan Jahrbuch veröffentlicht hatten. Heimat German

Cailean Darkwater  "I'm a young, inexperienced Australian writer who focuses on works that enrich the world I live in, helping myself and others to cope. It can be a cruel place, sometimes." Ariadne English

Judy Zarrella  Judy has had some poetry previously published in 'Luna', 'Going Down Swinging', 'Open Door' and 'Centoria'. Blue Poems English

Ulrike Walner  "Ich wurde 1966 in Graz geboren und schreibe, weil es mir Spaß macht, weil ich es mir nicht anders vorstellen könnte... (übrigens wurde 1985 schon mal was von mir im gangan Jahrbuch veröffentlicht.)" Der Pakt German

Thomas White  Originally from the United States, Thomas migrated to Australia in 1988. He has published his poetry widely in Australia, including in IMAGO (Queensland University Press) as well as read on Sydney and Canberra local radio. In the United States, he has presented essays on poetry to national conferences, one of which was published in a national literary journal, EDGE CITY REVIEW. Tom White's recent poetry was published in a Madison, Wisconsin literary journal, THE NEOVICTORIAN/COCHLEA. While in the United States, he studied creative writing under leading American poets Dana Gioia and Mary Jo Salter. Love and Pain English

Mario Licón  Mario was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. From 1969-73 he studied wood engraving and photography at the Academy of San Carlos in México City. He was the co-editor of Germen, a post-situationist magazine from 1973-75. In the same year he moved to the bay area in California where he was a member of a cultural-political group "what's left" until the late 70's. Back in México he published his first collection of poetry Divagagavadi, in 1981, followed by Arco de Tiempo in 1985 and Nostos en el Umbral in 1991. Mario is a performer and puppetier as well. In 1990, as a member of Espiral, (shadow puppets) he was invited to the international puppet festival in Charleville, France and to the Atelier Artificio in Milano, Italy. He has lived in Sydney since 1992. He was invited to read at the International Week of Poetry in Barcelona in 1999. He contributes to Oasis, Dos Filos and Alforja, among other Mexican magazines. He is currently working on an anthology of Australian comtemporary poetry to be published in Mexico next year. Bruma-Bloon's Diary English

Reinhold Stumpf  "Ich bin 29 Jahre alt und lebe in Wien. Zur Zeit arbeite ich zwar an einem Roman und einem Drehbuch, bis ich damit fertig bin, möchte ich aber die eine oder andere Kurzgeschichte publizieren. Wiener G'schichten German

Edward Vukovic  We published Eddie's 'Shadows of the Soul' in gangway #15. Here's a piece that details the trauma and the madness that writers go through when suffering from writers block. Holesome English

Michel Honegger  "I was born in South Africa in 1973 of an Afrikaans mother and Swiss/Italian father. I grew up in Singapore and completed a BA degree in journalism at RMIT in Melbourne before getting married and settling down here... My greatest passions in life are my beautiful wife and son and letting the mystery inspire me to write." Sunshine English

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