Dear Reader,
My journey into
the hot Summer in Europe was too short I had to come back to
the Winter in Australia (which is mild, but still too cold for my liking).
At least Spring is coming up shortly. Time for one of our normal,
usually well mixed, slightly experimental issues in both English and
Liebe LeserInnen,
meine Reise in
den heissen europäischen Sommer war zu kurz ich musste wieder
in den australischen Winter (der zwar mild, aber für meinen Geschmack
auch zu kalt ist) zurück.Immerhin rückt der Frühling
näher, und es ist Zeit für eine unserer normalen
zweisprachigen Literaturmischungen.
Duncan is a post-grad student at Curtin University Western
Australia living in Perth: At present my Doctorate of the Arts
thesis is a cultural study on Fame and the Random Killer.
I like to employ concepts relating to screen-culture, the elision of
contemporary reality, and post-modern notions of simulation in my creative
writing as specific cultural critiques. The
Viewer is a short story that explores how screen-culture numbs its
dis-eased subjects.
George Gott: American poems
snail mail from Superior, Wisconsin 54880.
Rosenbüchler ist am 30.8.1969 in Neunkirchen geboren,
lebt in Wien, und arbeitet in der Buchhandlung AMADEUS. Veröffentlichungen
in diversen Zeitschriften (podium, Literatur aus Österreich, Morgen,
Scriptum, Freibord, MyWay, DIE RAMPE, Sterz); Buchveröffentlichung:
Körperlyrik, 29 Gedichte zu Gummidrucken von Werner
Rischanek. Hier ein Text über Vatermord: Die
David Prater edits Cordite.
He lives in Melbourne, Australia. His first chapbook The Happy
Farang (Pumpkin Press, 2000) concerned the adventures of a fictional
tourist in Thailand and Laos. His second, 8 poems was published
in 2002 by du papa (Melbourne). His work has appeared in Meanjin, Cordite,
Jacket, slope, Going Down Swinging, JAAM, papertiger and Short Fuse:
A Global Anthology of Fusion Poetry (Rattapallax Press, USA). He wrote
these poems while visiting Berlin and Lübeck
in October last year. 
Christian H. Sötemann (born
1975, psychologist, musician, writer. Several publications of short
stories, drawings and scientific articles in underground literature
and online magazines, for the major part in the German language. Several
CD-R & CD releases, both as a solo artist and with the group cryptic
scenery.): Ontic Stories. Previous
ontic short stories appeared last year in Gangway #25. 
Gerburg Garmann: Geboren 1958 in
Cloppenburg. Studium der Germanistik und Romanistik an der Justus-Liebig
Universität, Gießen. Dissertation 1987. Fortsetzung des Romanistikstudiums
an der University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. Seit 1990 Lehrtätigkeit
in den USA (Germanisitik/Romanistik), zur Zeit an der University of
Indianapolis in Indiana. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in
various magazines, including The Adirondack Review,Balthasar,
Etchings, Federwelt, Die Gazette,
Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift, In Posse Review,
Lyrikwelt, Der Philotast,Thyla,
and Volltext. She was listed in both the January and May
issues of Lyrikzeitung & Poetry News 2002 and is working on her first
(bilingual) book of poetry Unterwegs, im Kopf: Gedichte/Poems.
Karin Seidner, geboren am 6.2.1963
in Wien. Studium der Anglistik und Germanistik an der Uni Wien, seit
1990 Erwachsenenbildnerin, Schreibwerkstättenleiterin und DAF-Lehrerin;
freie Schriftstellerin und seit 1995 Performerin mit der Frauen Performancegruppe
Grauenfruppe; seit 1996 Herausgeberin der 3x jährlich
erscheinenden Collagenzeitschrift kunstfehler. Ihren Beitrag
titelt sie: der fall laura w.
Rosel: I am not a writer. Sometimes I write
stuff for a variety of reasons, and here it is. I do not come accompanied
by a list of publications my work has appeared in. I did go to university
(I think this is important) and completed a BA Honours in the Latin
American Institute. I am a youth worker. I assist young people who are
defined by others as being at risk from a variety
of troubles and situations. Before this, I worked for five years with
mainly young men, who struggled with their own manner of mental illness.
I live in Melbourne with my two children and wife. This is important.
His submission: Beautiful Mercies. The Toothbrush
and the Truth.
Evtimova lives in Bulgaria, Europe. She is 42, her short
stories were published in the UK (New London Writers, The Text, Cluster
magazine, Quality Womens Fiction, The Mighty Organ, Dream Catcher)
USA ( Literary Salt Review, Story Quarterly, Cauldron, Mississipi Review),
Canada (Lichen, Slingshot) Germany, Russia, Poland, France, Czech Republic,
Macedonia and Yugoslavia. She works as a literary translator, she is
married, has three children and is working on her PhD thesis on Toni
Morrisons novels. In her native country, she has published 3 collections
of short stories and 2 novels. This short story is titled: Blood
of a Mole.
Edgar Munill is a Spanish illustrator
joining the Billy Blue school in North Sydney. He studied two years
illustration at la Massana in Barcelona, one of the most
important schools in Spain. View some artwork of
A Spaniard in Sydney.