Letters to the Editors |
One of our Gangway #38 authors suggested this letter page to be reopened for self service. So I did. However, almost immediately this resulted in an avalanche of SPAM, which forced me to disable the interactive feature again. I apologise for the inconvenience. Please email your feedback directly to the individual author or editor. Name:Gerald Ganglbauer Email:gerald@gangan.com Location: Sydney, NSW Australia Date: Saturday, May 5, 2007 at 07:09:11 Comments: Unfortunately SPAM was posted to our letters page over the past few days. At this time we simply deleted all unwanted entries, however, if misuse continues we will have to disable this interactive feature. Thank you for your understanding. Name: M.Bey Email:mnbey@yahoo.com Location: Philadelphia, Pa USA Date: Monday, April 17, 2006 at 13:25:20 Comments: Dear Editor It would be a great service to this nation in particular and to democracy in general if the congress of the united state would straighten it back and proceed to impeachment proceedings against President Bush. In a nation where a man can be impeached for having sex in the coffee nook, it should not be a difficult dedicion to impeach bush for lying to the nation about Iraq, for illegal wire taps and for accepting the presidency on the backs of disenfranchised voters in the state of Florida in the first place. A president is supposed to lead the nation to proserity and security, Bush has not given us prosperity, he has given us the shame of a racist, closed minded government, fighting wars on two fronts, servicing his rich freinds and contributors and selling out the birthright of our citizens to corporate interests. He has given us war instead of peace, fear instead of security, mounting debt instead of a surplus. Where is the honor and security in this. As he himself has said, his base is the haves and the have more. If a foreign oppressor tried to impose on the nation what bush is imposing, there would be anarchy in the streets! If it is a choice between the dignity of the office of president and the survival of our democracy, then let the ax fall on bush, the office and the nation WILL survive. Signed M.Bey Name:Ian Irvine Email:iirvine@britafe.vic.edu.au Location: Strathfieldsaye, VIC Australia Date: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at 00:50:34 Comments: Glad to see you're still going with Gangway - I remember a few exchanges I had with the journal back in 2000 or so, I was editing The Animist at the time and we were doing similar things with multimedia. I look forward to hearing back from you, we didn't quite survive the pace of editing etc. you have my admiration for having continued and thrived. Name: Robert Gardiner Email:Babedudeg@aol.com Location: Albuquerque, NM United States Date: Friday, July 8, 2005 at 10:59:32 Comments: The Futility of Violence In the aftermath of the bombs exploded in the London Subway, many people are saying that Muslims must give up violence as a means of dealing with their differences with other people. The TRUTH is -- all of us must give up violence as a means of dealing with our differences with other people. In the words of Jesus, "He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword." In the words of the Dalai Lama: “Violence, once it starts, is, by its nature, very predictable. Originally you intend limited use of force. Then counter-reaction occurs and it is difficult to stop. Soon, devastation ensues. So, always, I feel it is better to avoid violence.” We did not learn from what our use of violence produced in Vietnam. It is my most sincere prayer that we (all of us) will learn from what our use of violence has produced in Iraq. Robert Gardiner (505) 821-3798 Babedudeg@aol.com Name: Robert Gardiner Email:Babedudeg@aol.com Location: Albuquerque, NM United States Date: Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 10:47:20 Comments: My One Desire It has been said, “No one can serve two masters ... You cannot serve both God and mammon.” My one desire is to be part of an organization that values my devotion to the service of making life better for all people on this planet, more than it values money or anything else. Does such an organization exist on this planet today? Nameste, Robert Gardiner (505) 821-3798 Babedudeg@aol.com Name: Thilo Bachmann Email:thilobachmann@hotmail.com Location: Vienna, Austria Date: Friday, August 6, 2004 at 05:51:30 Comments: servus gerald, Name: tony ljucovic Email:bopperkid@hotmail.com Location: sydney, nsw australia Date: Saturday, July 10, 2004 at 23:06:07 Comments: this is my first time on the site. i came across it by chance. just wanted to say, great site! Name: Timothy McNeal Email:T.mcNeal@gmx.de Location: Alzey, Germany Date: Monday, May 10, 2004 at 10:46:57 Comments: Hi, friends of English (and German) prose and poetry! You can read my latest short short at www.toowrite.com (TopTenMostViewed) - "Running Errands" Furthermore I recommend to you : Timothy McNeal, "Timeless Without Time" (Poetry Chapbook) www.shadowpoetry.com (Deutschsprachige Leser finden SF/Fantasy bei http://nitzscheverlag.de.vu - "ACB-Mystery-Reihe" / "VES-Mystery-Reihe") Enjoy! Name: Tatjana Lukic Email:tatjanalukic@apex.net.au Location: Canberra, ACT Australia Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2004 at 19:29:01 Comments: Hi, Gerald, Name: Emilie Kolb Email:emilie@tpg.com.au Location: Sydney, NSW Australia Date: Saturday, June 28, 2003 at 12:54:01 Comments: bravo ... hab wieder mal deine 'gangway'-seite angesehen und find sie gut. nur: wie schaust du denn jetzt aus mit dem gebuesch im gesicht? liebe grüße! emilie Name: Hans Fraeulin Email:hans.fraeulin@styria.com Location: Graz, Austria Date: Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 23:27:37 Comments: Lieber Gerald Ganglbauer, Name: Angelika Fremd Email:angelikafremd@hotmail.com Location: Kings Cross, NSW Australia Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2003 at 18:11:08 Comments: Thank you for all the interesting and useful information which is coming through the gangway writers network. Name:david prater Email:cordite@optusnet.com.au Location: melbourne, VIC australia Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2003 at 11:26:07 Comments: congrats on the mag - going great guns Name: David Rosel Email:drosel@alphalink.com.au Location: Australia Date: Friday, January 31, 2003 at 19:24:10 Comments: Hi, Name: shakir hasnain Email:mortarbled@yahoo.com Location: vienna, austria Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2002 at 09:54:29 Comments: how can one contribute to the magazine? is there a way i can submit a poem or two? regards shakir Name: B. R. Dionysius Email:subverse@powerup.com.au Location: Brisbane, Qld Australia Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 22:00:29 Comments: Hi Gerald Name:Stadtrat Mag. Siegfried Nagl Email:Gertrude.Leiner@stadt.graz.at Location: Graz, Austria Date: Monday, April 29, 2002 at 22:22:50 Comments: Sehr geehrter Herr Ganglbauer! Name:Paul Tylor Email:pitylor@msn.com Location: USA Date: Friday, April 26, 2002 at 02:45:45 Comments: Dear Gerald, I just saw the latest issue of Gangway and it looks great. It was worth waiting for. Sincerely, Paul Tylor Name:Alexandra Ekkelenkamp Email:webmaster@thefaewhirl.zzn.com Location: Netherlands Date: Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 05:41:44 Comments: Gerald (& others): congratulations on winning the award! You definitely deserve it; the site is brilliant still. I'm working on a new submission for Gangway which should be in your inbox soon :) I LOVE the fact that this site is bilingual... also a recurring theme with me & it makes me feel at home here. Love, Alex - poet Name:Thomas Gruber Email:thomas_gruber@gmx.at Location: Vienna, Austria Date: Friday, October 12, 2001 at 08:04:18 Comments: Ausgezeichneter Content den Ihr im freien www uns Lesern zur Kenntnis bringt. Name: J. Michelle Email:jules@there-is-no-spoon.co.uk Location: Sydney, NSW Australia Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 at 18:42:13 Comments: First impressions Name:Billy Marshall Stoneking Email:billy@stoneking.every1.net Location: Sydney, NSW Australia Date: Sunday, June 3, 2001 at 22:59:41 Comments: Great to see #20 up, and also to see that you have "discovered" the young and quite wonderful poet, Alexandra Ekkelenkamp. She is a favorite of mine and I have watched her poetry develop and grow with much joy over the past few years. Also, always good to see Christina Conrad. Your readers might be interested in the site I edit, PERFORMANCE POETRY, at http://earink.cjb.net All the best in the art of performing poetry. A great interview coming up later this month with Richard Zola (UK), and the discussion board has been attracting more than a fair share of good poetry. Congrats Gerald on #20! Keep em coming! Billy Marshall Stoneking Poet & playwright Head, MA Programme (scriptwriting) Australian Film, TV and Radio School Sydney, Australia Name: Gabriele Poetscher Email:gabriele.poetscher@kfunigraz.ac.at Location: Graz, Austria Date: Friday, May 25, 2001 at 20:59:00 Comments: Dear Gerald, Name:Catherine Basilicata Email:c_basilicata@hotmail.com Location: SYDNEY, NSW AUSTRALIA Date: Saturday, August 12, 2000 at 00:51:42 Comments: Thanks Gerald for congratulating me on publishing my long awaited poetry book: "Sanguinity" If anyone is interested in my book please contact either me on (02) 9904 7381 or Mr Bryan Gunn from "Kirby Books Distribution" on (02)9698 2377 for enquiries or even to order a book. Sanguinity is an expresive voyage through the shock, grief, and despair of a young woman experiencing a life-threatening illness and coming to terms with an abusive past. This book is not just a story of Catherine's triumph over adversity, but an encouragement to others to express themselves and begin their own healing process. Catherine's poetry has been compared to Sylvia Plath by many experts also. Name: Lisa Email:efi@servus.at Location: Linz, Austria Date: Saturday, December 4, 1999 at 04:11:06 Comments: Hallo Gerald Gratulation zur Millenium-Nummer! Bewahre Dir Deinen Idealismus und den Sinn fuer Qualitaet auch im naechsten Jahrtausend. Alles Gute und einen schoenen Australischen Sommer...lisa Name: Lisbet de Castro Lopo Location: Newcastle, NSW Australia Date: Friday, November 5, 1999 at 12:30:50 Comments: Hi Gerald Since we met at the Independent Publishers Book Fair, I have been visiting your site almost every day, and have been impressed by the sheer amount of material that is presented. Good luck with it, I mean to follow you in the future, and may submit news from Catchfire Press from time to time, if that is okay. Lisbet Name:Geoff Ebbs Email:geoffe@widewest.com.au Location: Sydney, NSW Australia Date: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 02:57:47 Comments: Congratulations on the Bronze Award (Semi-finalist in The Australian Internet Awards 1999 - Arts Site). All those years of effort may be starting to pay off. Cheers, Geoff Name: Angelika Fremd Email:angelikafremd@hotmail.com Location: Kings Cross, NSW Australia Date: Thursday, May 6, 1999 at 22:52:51 Comments: Hi Gerald, I have been searching round your new revamped website and looking at the new look Gangway and I am very impressed. I showed it to the librarian at the Kings Cross Library and David Hill from the Premier's Department and both commented on its quality. Greetings, Angelika Name:michaela gabriel Email:miss_moonie@hotmail.com Location: vienna, austria Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 12:34:05 Comments: gerald, congratulations, you did a great job - but don't you do that all the time? good luck for the future with this project - i hope to be able to contribute to it occasionally. michi Name:Walter Hoelbling Email:walter.hoelbling@kfunigraz.ac.at Location: Graz, Styria Austria Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 06:17:48 Comments: Dear Gerald, just took time to check the new GANGAN homepage and its various (new) services. A VERY nice piece of work, functional, user-friendly, and good layout! Thanks for the good work & all the best for the future! Walter |
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