& Transitioning
Cyril Wong :
Only through travel can we truly appreciate the arbitrariness of borders
between countries, and the illusory symbolism of a national identity
the passport carries with it whenever it is shown. It is also through
such moments of transitioning that we travel out of our comfort zones,
forced to discover what we have not experienced before, as well as confront
our own reactions to that difference. I compiled
works that show us how, through travel, our sense of self may also undergo
a transition, in which we re-discover the world and our ever-shifting
place within its flux and diversity. Martina
born in Austria in 1976. She has recently published a book on Sounds
of Poetry: Contemporary American Performance Poets. Since 2002 she has
been teaching at the American Studies Dept. in Dortmund Germany, where
she is writing her dissertation on poetry in new media environments.
She is a member of the writers group GRAUKO, the Grazer Autoren und
Autorinnen Kollektiv ( Manila
International Airport, 1987.
T Kahn
is originally from New Jersey and a PhD student in England, researching
the intersection of literature and gender. Do visit him at
This piece is entitled: Bidding.
R. Dionysius
directed the Queensland Poetry Festival from 1997-2001 and is currently
editor of papertiger: new world poetry #05. He was short-listed in the
2002 Mary Gilmore Poetry Prize for his poetry collection, Fatherlands.
He lives in Brisbane, Australia: Rubaiyat
of Omar Khayyám, Quatrain 8 | Knossos | Train Song 4.
Beng Liang
the founding editor of The 2ndRule, a guerrilla creative magazine which
aims to move people from apathy to action. He currently works as a Systems
Analyst and is the author of last three women. His poems: Cuba
| Reykjavik.
Terrys one man show Kissing Myself was shortlisted for
the Wal Cherry award and subsequently produced by St Martins Theatre
in Melbourne. As a poet he has been published both in Australia and
overseas, with his work also broadcast on radio and television. His
first volume of poetry Buoy, was highly commended in the Anne
Elder award, by the Fellowship of Australian Writers: Sight-Seer
| Karaoke (Babylon).
K. Kelens
most recent books of poems are Shimmerings (Five Islands, 2000) and
Goddess of Mercy (Brandl & Schlesinger, 2002): A
Travellers Guide to the East Indies | Mid-West 1.
has won the Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award. She is a member of
the LitWing, a part of the Hwa Chong English Literary and Drama,
Debate and Film society: Quantum Physics
spent 96% of her life in Chicago. Now she lives in Brooklyn and works
as a coat check girl and misses Lake Michigan. Her work has appeared
in 2River View, Small Spiral Notebook, and Yankee Pot Roast, among others:
Gratitude | Tinder | Civil War.
poetry, short stories, plays and take photographs. His books include
Glass Doors and Lies (poetry) and Black Light and The Moving Shadow
Problem (stories). His most recent book of poetry is Snapshots, published
by Collective Effort Press: Maniar
| Tourist and Beggars.
Gaston Ng is
serving his National Service in Singapore and is currently part of the
Mentor Access Programme under the National Arts Council, Singapore:
Next Stop.
is a thirty year old displaced Chicagoan now living on top of a mountain
in Alabama. It's like sitcom without the humor, here. He has several
chapbooks out, the most recent, Can't Kill A Man Born To Hang,
was published by Bottle of Smoke Press: Breakwater
| Returning Home | Exits.