Watzka, geboren am 19.2.1969 in Zell am Ziller/Tirol, aufgewachsen
in der Steiermark, lebt und arbeitet in Wien als Autor, Texter und Journalist.
1987-1994 Studium der Publizistik und Germanistik in Wien, Mag. phil.;
1996-2001 erste Romanprojekte, daneben Arbeit als Journalist (APA, ORF
u.a.), Comedy-Autor und Werbetexter; seit Herbst 2002 ausschließliche
Konzentration auf die Schriftstellerei. Dieser Exkurs ist ein ausgewähltes
Kapitel des neuen satirisch-humorvollen Romans In
einem Zug.
Gates was born in Sydney in 1968. He has been a musician,
a student, a traveller, a teacher and a writer. After finishing school,
he formed a semi-professional rock band, playing support slots in Sydney
pubs and completing a number of recordings. As a student at Macquarie
University in Sydney, he wrote short stories and record reviews for
the magazine Arena. Geoffrey has worked as a teacher in Australia, England
and Germany. He presently teaches English in Germany. He has travelled
widely in Australia, Europe, the Middle East and Mexico with
a backpack and a limited budget. In Hamburg, Geoffrey helped found Work
in Progress, a writing and performing group. He has written a collection
of short stories like: First Draft Julia,
and has recently completed his first novel.
was born under the shrubs in Pakenham when it was still
the bush (now its a bloody suburb!), has written for many years
in many styles, sings, plays guitar (& many other instruments), is a
mother of twins and has campaigned for the environment & human rights
for decades. She has performed around Australia, been published in many
magazines and recently released leather skin, a book of poetry.
Her submission is titled tribalfish.
As a German expat in Australia I seem to be just your clientele.
As far as my biography is concerned, well, nothing overly thrilling,
really. I was born in 1973, went to school and Uni, lived in England
for a year where I taught German and graduated in English and History.
I have always been fascinated by literature and music. I learned to
read at the age of four, largely to find out what my dad was doing all
the time gazing into one of his innumerable books on the lounge room
couch. I soon felt like I was sharing an enormous and meaningful secret
with him (well and possibly the rest of the literate world).Since the
English language has become second nature to me, some of the poetry
I have been experimenting with came out in English, too, and at one
point I started translating one of my short stories from the German.
I hope you like Schlecht geschlafen.
Peter Paul Wiplinger is a writer
and artistic photographer. Born 1939 in Haslach/Upper Austria. He has
lived in Vienna since 1960, where he studied drama, German and philosophy.
Author of 30 poetry volumes and photo-poetry-books, amongst them Abschiede
(Partings), Farbenlehre (Lesson in Colour), Bildersprache
(Language of Pictures), Lebenszeichen (Signs of Life). In
addition to writing poetry he publishes essays and articles on cultural
themes. Social criticism is the dominant characteristic of his work.
His books and texts have been translated into more than 20 languages.
Translated from the German by Herbert Kuhner,
Susanne Nowak, James
A. Ritchie and Hilde Spiel:
Bilingual Poetry from Vienna. Daniela
dos Santos is content designer at a Portuguese TV network
named SIC. She is graduated in Journalism and worked for several newspapers
and magazines. At the moment she works as journalist and web content
designer. This is a chronicle about an expedition to Morocco: Khadija,
the old Berber.
Born in Sydney, Tim Hayden is writer
and photographer and has travelled for the past 20 years. He also works
for a Zurich-based financial services group and lives in Gockhausen,
Switzerland: After The Wedding Speech (Zell
Am See 06 April 2002).
A. Skec (10/11/1971-?) strange individual genesis,
swamps ov west sunshine, near explosives factory, speedway & drive-in
his pieces have appeared on page, stage & radio airwaves is
accumulating a reference library he hopes to be able to install into
his brain his submission one or some ov these contains
the poems: bredd fr the hubwar,
this, redeem yrself and thru a distracted
mirror and this jpg ov his head (frontview) and his short
bio give a vague impression ov who he is.
Maiti PhD (1971-) has been widely published in print and
electronic journals in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and elsewhere.
His CD-ROM credits include GDS, Heist and Shaken-n-Stirred: Poetry from
the Far Corners. His work will also be included in the Paradoxist Anthology
(USA) and Astropoetry Anthology (Romania). His Prose
Poetry from India was translated into the German language by Petra
Ganglbauer. Prasenjit lives in Calcutta, India.