gangway 2001 - 2002 |
Index #19-26 |
gangway #19 | gangway #20 | gangway #21 | gangway #22 | gangway #23 | gangway #24 | gangway #25 | gangway #26 |
Copyright gangan 1996 - 2003 |
#19 |
#19 - March 2001 |
Year One brings an updated look & feel for our five(!) year old magazine. And we're looking for new co-editor(s) in Sydney Andrea left us due to her workload as senior lecturer at Sydney University. If fame is all you need drop us a line ... |
im Jahr Eins ist es wieder an der Zeit für ein Makeover. Wir erscheinen fünf(!) Jahre und der letzte Umbau geschah 1999. Englischsprachige Zusendungen nehmen überhand AutorInnen, seid keine Luddites unsere MitarbeiterInnen in Österreich erwarten eure Beiträge. |
commence our sixth year online with Letters
from Vienna by Austrian Dieter
Sperl, translated from the German language by Gordon
Burgess. Dieter Sperl, geboren 1966 in Wolfsberg, lebt in
Wien. Von 1989 bis 1993 Mitherausgeber der Literaturzeitschrift perspektive
(Graz, Berlin). Seit 1992 Mitherausgeber der edition gegensätze.
Gemeinsam mit Paul Pechmann Kurator für Literatur der Landesausstellung
Graz 2000. Artist in Residence at Centre for Austrian Studies at the
University of Aberdeen, 2000. |
Stumpf: ZEITLOS jetzt://habe_ich.ein_zeitlos.gezogen.in_der_lotterie_des_augenblicks hauptpreis://ein_hauch_von_ewigkeit das_beste_daran://jedes_los_gewinnt.ein_leben_lang://bin_ich_unsterblich |
#20 |
#20 - June 2001 |
Do you ever think: is it all just a dream? Does time exist? Do I understand life? Is this ever going to be an introduction to issue #20 that makes sense? I doubt it. Let's forget about it. Here you go. |
denkst du jemals: ist das alles nur ein Traum? Existiert Zeit? Verstehe ich das Leben? Wird das eine brauchbare Einführung zur Ausgabe 20? Ich bezweifle es. Lassen wir sie einfach weg. Das ist es. |
having enjoyed some of the finest poetry from Austria and Australia,
I'd like to compliment you on having one of the best literary e-zines
on the 'net (but you probably knew that). No, honestly, I love it. And
so... I myself would like to submit some poetry, as well. Only problem
is that I am not from Austria, nor from Australia. I have been in both
countries, and have written some poems about Austria. I come from the
Netherlands. But, as you also feature "guest poets" from the US and
Germany, I though... well let's give it a try. I'm a young poet (born
1982) and have been writing poetry since 1996. I have exchanged work
with Stoneking, Christina Conrad and others. I think that maybe I could
fit in at gangway, because I write a lot about Indonesia, where I have
lived for 3 years. I can speak/read/write German as well, but I have
never tried to write poetry in German. But who knows... Anyway. As a
little sample of my work, I'm sending you two
poems; they can tell more about me than a 10-page e-mail can.
Greetings, Alexandra Ekkelenkamp.
(Photo credits Toefi Gadaz) |
Pesendorfer: Freie Grenzen dienen auch der freien Gedankenwelt, aber nicht jedem ist so eine Welt recht. |
#21 |
#21 - September 2001 |
Ever wondered if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup? Neither have I. This statement is brought to you under duress by Clare Moss. Ribbon by Alon Cohen as a token of remembrance. |
hast du dich je gefragt, ob Analphabeten Buchstabensuppe schmeckt? Ich mich auch nicht. Diese Aussage wurde von Clare Moss unter Zwang gemacht. |
we stand! In memory of 11 September 2001. |
Williams began writing for classmates at school with serialised
dramatisations of the lives of this teachers. Caught, he spurned writing
until his early twenties, where the viciousness of youth saw him write
about things he knew not of, like war, suffering and torture. As an
adult Album submitted to self-angst and wrote a lot of utter rubbish.
Later, his verse and short stories have been highly praised in major
literary prizes. He won the ANUTECH prize in 1993 and was a runner-up
in the Northern Rivers Bugle Awards in 1998 for Cremation
Annoys the Grave Digger. |
Cracko: Hat es so viel für sich, hat es wirklich so viel für sich selbst, hat es wirklich soviel für sich selbst damit zu tun und hat es was für sich, damit zu tun zu haben...? |
#22 |
#22 - December 2001 |
On 16 October 2001, received a prestigious at-award in Vienna. The jury: "This site is neither particularly beautiful nor particularly fast. It is rather an example of consistent use of particular possibilities of the Internet, enabling small initiatives to publish worldwide and extensively, and thereby fostering an understanding for culture and the arts. The international high standard of its interesting and vast contents does the rest." |
am 16. Oktober wurde in Wien mit einem begehrten at-award ausgezeichnet. Laudatio der Jury: "Diese site ist weder besonders schön noch besonders schnell. Sie ist vielmehr ein Exempel für die konsequente Nutzung der besonderen Möglichkeiten des Internet, die auch kleinen Initiativen erlaubt, weltweit und umfangreich zu publizieren und zu Kultur und Kunstverständnis beizutragen. Der internationale Anspruch des interessanten und weitläufigen Inhaltes tut ein Übriges." |
Hoffmann, geboren 1971 in Bergen auf Rügen, studierte
Kunstgeschichte, Geschichte, Philosophie in Greifswald, Halle und Berlin.
Anna lebt seit 1994 in Berlin und schreibt seit 1996 fragmentarische
Prosa und Lyrik, veröffentlicht seit 1998 in verschiedenen Künstler-
und Literaturzeitschriften uns schickt uns texte
+ gruß aus berlin. 1999 - 2000 akademische Weiterbildung Kulturmanagement/-marketing,
2000 erscheint das bibliophile Buch "kreiselband" im Verlag Fortdruck,
Halle, seit 2001 PR-Managerin der Galerie Ngano, Berlin-Mitte, seit
2001 Mitglied im Verband Deutscher Schriftsteller. Foto: Jochim Fischer. |
Indyk: I prefer to see us cosmopolitan rather than multicultural. |
#23 |
#23 - March 2002 |
2002 is our year seven as a literary magazine on the Net. Many others seem to have come and gone since. So why are we still online? Passion and of course the motivation from our readers with 2,010,563 hits is the driving power. |
2002 ist unser siebentes Erscheinungsjahr als Literaturmagazin am Netz. Andere kamen und gingen, warum sind wir noch da? Leidenschaft und natürlich die Ermunterung unserer Leser mit 2.010.563 Zugriffen ist die treibende Kraft. |
Signorini opens this issue with a Modern
Phenomenon. Annette was born in the North Queensland sugar cane
district of Innisfail, grew up in Brisbane and lives in Melbournes
western suburbs. Attended Victoria University of Technology as a mature-age
student, studying literature, professional writing and media. Articles
published in university womens magazines, poetry in Motherlode
and various small press magazines. Has also made documentary videos:
Cloudbusting about women and tertiary education; In the Shadow of Angels
profiles four women artists from various fields and All In It Together
is about waterside workers on the Melbourne waterfront. Recent postgraduate
research focussed on women and working class writing. |
Ganglbauer: On my next trip to Europe I must not forget to bring a laptop. |
#24 |
#24 - June 2002 |
Its this time of the year again: The Sydney Writers Festival was just on and our Winter issue is due out. For some strange reason it turned out to be our first ever boys club! So I quickly did the figures summing up the past issues, and they show that of more than 200 authors we published the gender-ratio was always around 40:60 (female:male). There you go. |
wieder war es an der Zeit für das Sydney Writers Festival und damit auch für unsere Sommerausgabe. Seltsamerweise hat sich erstmals eine Männerrunde eingefunden! Dem auf den Grund zu gehen, habe ich schnell die bisherigen Ausgaben analysiert, und konnte feststellen, dass wir mit weit über 200 Autorinnen und Autoren einen 40:60 Schnitt aufweisen. Beruhigend. |
Chapman was born in Sydney in 1966, and has lived and worked
in Canberra and Adelaide. He was a curator at the National Gallery of
Australia (where he curated the touring exhibition Surrealism
in Australia) and the Art Gallery of South Australia (where he
curated the 1996 Adelaide Biennale of Australian Art). From
1998 to 2001 he was Director of Adelaides Experimental Art Foundation.
Chris regularly writes on contemporary art and culture for catalogues
and journals in Australia, overseas and online. In September 2001 he
moved back to Sydney where he works independently. Heres some
Poème en prose for you.
Bennett, Stephen Gray, Andrew Humphreys and Irini Savvides: These four writers have on thing in common they are the Best Young Australian Novelists for 2002. |
#25 |
#25 - September 2002 |
Without much ado I am happy to present you with our Jubilee issue #25. Now that I believe Ive earned time out Im going walkabout until further notice. |
ohne viel Trara präsentiere ich hier unsere Jubiläumsnummer 25. Nun habe ich mir eine Pause verdient, und gehe auf unbestimmte Zeit Walkabout. |
Carpenter did not tell us anything about herself at all.
She simply attached the poem Illicit (see footer) and the
short story Man, Woman, Knife for
us to read. Learning of her submission being accepted, she replied:
Its fantastic to be recognised!. Julia was born in
1982 and is currently undertaking a Diploma of Arts in Professional
Writing and Editing at Box Hill Institute. This is the first publication
of her works. |
Carpenter: Illicit |
#26 |
Hot Pepperinas |
This is a special issue featuring Steaming Hot Pepperinas prose writers from Newcastles 2002 National Young Writers Festival. Edited by Hop Dac and Shane Jesse Christmass. |
dies ist eine Sonderausgabe mit den Beiträgen der Steaming Hot Pepperinas Prosa Lesungen vom Newcastle 2002 National Young Writers Festival. Hrsg. Hop Dac und Shane Jesse Christmass. |
introduction to the 26th issue
of Gangway by Hop, Shane
and Gerald. |
2003 This
Is Not Art |
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