gangway 1996 - 1998 |
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1996 - 1998
- Reinhold Aumaier (Vienna): eyeball & chain
- Josef Haslinger (Vienna): Jewish Vienna
- Gerald Ganglbauer (Sydney): Stop-Over (Ich bin eine Reise)
- Introducing: Rowan Hagen (Sydney)
- Alekhine and Junge at Prague by Jas H Duke (Melbourne 1940 - 1992)
- Malevolent Fictions by Hewson/Walker (Adelaide)
- Antigone Kefala (Sydney): Bonus Poems
- Michael Dransfield (Sydney 1948 - 1973): Bonus Poems
- Siegfried Holzbauer (Linz, Austria): diarium 180696
- Mona M. (Vienna): Die Lemmingbucht
- Rudi Krausmann (Sydney): Thomas Bernhard in Memoriam
- Gerald Ganglbauer (Sydney): Independent Publishing
- Andreas Bäcker (Hagen): Stories
- Rudi Krausmann (Sydney): The House
- Guntram Balzer (Wuppertal): 6 Texte
- Stephen K. Kelen (Canberra): Trans-Sumatran Highway & other poems
- Monika Graf (Düren): Vorfall
- Nigel Roberts (Sydney): In Casablanca for the waters
- Ania Walwicz (Melbourne): Poème en prose (performance pieces)
- Chris Mann (Melbourne): For a sheet of paper marked with a $ and a ?
- A guest from the US: Holly Day (Roseville, MN)
- Angelika Fremd (Sydney): Arrival
- Ruark Lewis (Sydney): Banalities
- Introducing: Vivien Eime (Sydney)
- Sylvia Petter (Vienna born Australian, lives in France): The Last Birthday
- Lucas Cejpek (Vienna): Drei Wünsche
- Woody Dykott (Sacramento, CA): For Oz with love: Limericks
- CANT (Germany): ersA/Tz/eiN/z
- Another guest from the US: Shiloh (Shiloh, IL): All American Poetry
- Petra Ganglbauer (Vienna): Fallen Faces & a nose
- Jurgis Janavicius (Sydney): The Promised Poems
- Pam Brown (Sydney): 50-50
- Rudi Krausmann (Sydney): Der Brief / The Letter
- Martin Krusche (Graz, Austria): Shortcuts 001 bis 003
- Michael Sharkey (Armidale, NSW): Poem for Translation into any other Tongue
- Siegfried Holzbauer (Linz, Austria): vom schalt des jahres gang & bür
- Michael Wilding (Sydney): Die Short Story in Australien
- Kristen Hunter (Sydney based German): Eine Feuerwehrgeschichte
- Walter Hoelbling (Graz, Austria): Selected Poems
- Guntram Balzer (Germany): MUZURK: 7 Texte
- Richard Tipping (Wangi Wangi, NSW): Poetry is ... / Dichtung ist ...
- Ilse Kilic (Vienna): ESLI: die Nackerten
- Alexandra Pitsis (Sydney): Missed Deadline
- Jolanta Janavicius (Sydney): Painted Poems
- Steven Eddleston (Sydney): The Doctor's X-files
- Michi Gabriel (Vienna): Ten Poems
- David Hopkinson (Sydney): My Beautiful Laundrette
- Volker Wolf (Munich): Die australische Lyrik der letzten Jahrzehnte
- Margret Kreidl (Vienna): Zucker, Licht. / Sugar, Light.
- Rudolf Kraus (Vienna): sprachminiaturen
- Ian Kennedy Williams (Grafton, NSW): The Methuselah Gardens
- Lucas Cejpek (Vienna): Charybdis Thursday Island
- Sylvia Petter (Vienna born Australian, lives in France): Shades of Schiele
- Andreas Bäcker (Hagen, Germany): Zwei Gedichte
- Michi Gabriel (Vienna): seven
- Irene Kabanyi (Viennese, lives in Sydney): All of me
- Martin Novak (Graz): Pictures of an on-line exhibition
- Christopher Stolle (Bloomington, IN): Indiana Poet
- Irene Kabanyi (Sydney): Ex tas. Y!
- Sylvia Petter (Vienna born Australian, lives in France): The Man on the Moon
- Walter Hoelbling (Graz): Gedichte
- Tanya Marwood (Australia): Expat
- Billy Marshall-Stoneking (American born Australian): Bush Poems
- Shiloh (Shiloh, IL): Illinois Poet
- Christian Damböck (Vienna): Sprachschatten
- Anthony Lawrence (Sydney): Country Poems
- Pam Brown (Sydney): New Poems
- Gerald Ganglbauer (Sydney): Halbe Österreicher
- Amanda Stewart (Sydney): Kitsch Postcards
- Louis Armand (Australian/Prague): The Prague Connection
- Mike Markart (Groß St. Florian, Styria): Levomepromazin
- Jurgis Janavicius (Sydney): Miniatures
- Mike Markart (Groß St. Florian, Styria): Ich bin ein Mahnmal und ein immerwährender Kalender
- Sylvia Petter (Australian/France): Apple of Paradise
- Mike Markart (Groß St. Florian, Styria): Penfolds Grange
- Jolanta Janavicius (Sydney): Catching a Wave
- CANT (Germany): 1 manuskript
- Petra Ganglbauer (Vienna): Baustelle
- Alexander Curtis (Scotland): Diana & Actaeon
- Tim Pohle (Linz am Rhein, Germany): Destruktion a
- Vivien Eime (Sydney): Instructions Towards Joy
- Julian Faber (Brisbane): A Little Knowledge...
- Adam Aitken (Sydney): Two Poems
- Julian Faber (Brisbane): Requiem
- Angelika Fremd (Sydney): the dayshift
- Peter Giacomuzzi (Austrian in Tokyo): GOTO-RETTO
- Mary Kennan Herbert (New York): JAMES JOYCE GOES TO THE BEACH
- Andreas Bäcker (Germany): Niemandsland
- Siegfried Holzbauer (Linz, Austria): Quadratur der Worte / Squaring of the Word
- Beth Spencer (Melbourne): Doing the Rock : June 1984
- Margret Kreidl (Vienna): Striezel, Spritzstrauben, Strudel
- David Hopkinson (Sydney): Virtual Offerings
- Anja Meixner (Germany): Innocence and Experience
- Martin Krusche (Styria): Jeder lebt gerne
- Jean-René Lassalle (France): Some conceptual obligations
- Peter Giacomuzzi (Austrian in Tokyo): großstadt männlich
- Shiloh (Shiloh, IL): New Poems
- Walter Hoelbling (Graz, Austria): Lessons - Two Poems
- Erika Wimmer (Innsbruck, Austria): n i r g e n d w o h i n
- Michaela A. Gabriel (Vienna): Stray Splinters - 9 Poems
- Jeremy Gadd (Sydney): Tragedy
- Sue Gill (Melbourne): Paintings
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